"What diaper should I use for my newborn?"
"Should I purchase newborn diapers when babies grow so quickly?"
In this post I intend on giving you the best outcomes I have experienced as a mommy and now an auntie.
"What diapers should I use?"

For the parent(s) who simply want to slap the diaper on and keep it moving. All in One's
I found flat/prefolds incredibly useful when cloth diapering for the first time namely for two reasons.
1. I could easily customize the fit.
2. Newborns do not need a lot of absorbency.
This style of diaper can actually fit from birth to potty training. Not only that, when I no longer felt like using them as diapers they served as burp cloths, extra absorbency for overnight diapering and even wipes on a necessary occasion. I felt like going through a dozen of this style in one day was completely cost effective because flat/prefolds hold a place throughout the diapering years.

If you do not care for the dexterity involved with flats/prefolds I suggest All in One's. They are super simple and Daddy's love them. As well, if you happen to have a toddler running around this style may prove to be the best choice.
As my family journeyed deeper into cloth diapering we jointly decided this was our favorite style of diaper. It is virtually impossible to place on baby upside down or even backwards; so both parents can enjoy changing those lovely messes.
Regardless of the decision, keep in mind you may want to save the bulk of your money for a size that your baby will spend the most time in. To view options and sizes I offer please visit the website at www.Sadies-Babies.com