Personally I feel that was an incredible feat for a little one not yet turned two years old, however, please keep in mind every child is different and you have to work with your personal schedule to achieve consistency and success.
Below I've listed 9 pointers that worked for my household; hopefully you will find them helpful as well.
9 Steps to Potty Training Success
1. Inform: Introduce the potty to your child and tell them exactly what it is, how it is used and what is suppose to go in it. In the beginning, carry it into every room that an extended amount of time will be spent. (For a while it felt like the potty literally became my right hip.)
2. Bare Bottom: Whether you're using cloth or disposables, ditch the diaper. This will allow the child to recognize what happens when the sensation arises.
3. Watchful Eye: More often than not your child will show signs of having to use the bathroom. Whether it's a little dance, clenching of the jaw or a change in face color. As an observant parent you will be able to distinguish movements and initiate potty use by keeping an eye for these signals.
4. Release Frustration: Just as much as children are learning how to use the toilet we as guardians are learning how to instruct them in
this endeavor. There will be mistakes, do not allow the mistakes to generate anxiety.
5. Encourage and Motivate: It is important to set up a comforting environment for our children even centered around potty training. Be cautious with the urges to scrunch up your nose or turn your face in disgust for bowel movements. This portrayal sets the tone for how you feel about the occurrence; in turn your "mini me" may depict the same. Instead offer affirmations to ensure their efforts.
6. Be Stern: Once you realize your child recognizes where their waste is to be released and is perhaps being lazy or disobedient; express your unhappiness with it. Bend down to their level, look them in the eye and sternly tell them how you expect them to continue to behave.
7. Take Them with You: As crazy as it sounds this proved to be useful as well. Remember your child is your "mini me" and 9 times out of 10 wants to copy all you perform. Inviting your child into the bathroom (they usually come at their own will...) will help them to see that using the bathroom is an everyday occurrence. Take this chance to lead by example.
8. Throw a Parade: Let go of all inhibitions when the goal is achieved. Dance, sing, jump, give hugs and kisses and ultimate praise. They will possibly love to see mommy/daddy acting a fool so much that the potty will become fun time.
9. Be Consistent: There is no "half way", "part time", "every now and then" or "when I feel like it" when it comes to potty training. The success of this practice is integral in becoming a part of your daily and hourly routine. Whatever techniques you choose to employ in teaching your child the basics in potty training, STICK WITH IT.
Continue to encourage and be open and accessible to you child's feelings. Potty training success will not be far behind.
In the process of potty training? Let me know what techniques you employ or if you found this article helpful.
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